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Showing posts from December, 2012

New year, new plans, new challenges

There are some bold dates in everyone's calendar. Days that remind us of the tasks we have to do, to look at the past and aim for the future. New year's day is certainly one of those dates. Although we use Persian calendar instead of Gregorian, I see no reasons not to use this occasion to push myself by reviewing  my goals . Wish you all a great year ahead. May 2013 be the year of achieving our resolutions.

Dubai Marathon, 25 days to go. In need of a kick up the arse

25 days to the start of my third marathon. Again I've missed some training sessions and not in the best shape. I was so busy sorting out different stuff and the worst was the fact that I didn't have enough time for my early morning runs. That's my favourite time of the day to head out for a run. There is just no better way for me to start a day. Whenever I missed my morning run I feel sluggish the whole day. Now I've got more than two weeks of intense training ahead. There is one thing that I am sure about. I do not want to face what I went through during Frankfurt Marathon. So I'd better get my arse in gear!

Off to Davos. This time for the big one!

Today  Swissalpine  launched the online registration for 2013. And I am already registered for K78 . This is going to be my first ultra and I cannot be more excited about it. Davos, view from a paraglider I've got seven months to train for this and also planning to run three marathons in January, April and June. 2013 sounds promising!

Trail running

The day I twisted my ankle a week before Frankfurt Marathon Music: Bottom of the well by Airbourne

If you ever feel bad at the end of a marathon, remember this video

Following my previous post on how Gabriele Andersen-Scheiss crossed the finish line in 1984 Olympic Marathon. This video is worth watching.

2011 Boston Marathon finishers

Everyone who has ever crossed the finish line knows how they feel.

Another marathon in six weeks

I am going to run Dubai marathon in late January. The training plan is written down and it starts from tomorrow morning. I've only got five weeks to train for Dubai marathon so it's going to be quite intense.

Running in early 30s

There are two or three different times each year that I spend a couple of hours and think about resolutions, usually write them down and get back to my notes every now and then. The main occasion is always my birthday. As of two weeks ago, I stepped into my thirties. while I was looking at my last year's resolution I noticed that I am now in much better situation comparing to this time last year. A bold line on my resolution was about getting a better runner, but running a marathon was not something that I would plan last year. This year as I started the fourth decade of my life, I decided to write down parts of my resolutions here. So I  will hardly forget these points and next year at this time, if I have missed any of these you can question me!  Here they are in no particular order; - Running my first Ultra. - Running at least three marathons. - Losing more weight. - Strength workout, plyometrics, stretching and swimming more often. - Adding Speedwork an...