The other night I went for a 10k run on snow, slush and ice. Didn't drink before and during the run. After running I had a banana and a small bottle of water. Up to this point it was going all right. That was when I started drinking with friends and had several drinks during the night. And as a result came the worst hangover I've ever had that lasts for more than 24 hours. I missed one training session and was feeling absolutely fatigue the day after. If you are a runner you are likely to have low alcohol tolerance. There is a few reasons to that. You probably only drink occasionally, so your body hasn't built up the same alcohol tolerance as someone who drinks regularly. Because you run regularly your metabolism rate is higher and you get the effects of alcohol faster than someone who doesn't exercise regularly. And because you are likely to have less body fat alcohol remains in your body longer. Alcohol affects your training in different ways. In short term...