We are facing really hard times all around the world. And everyone is more or less affected by the Covid-19 outbreak. It is changing our work, social activities and our running. I know running is allowed in some cities especially if it is done individually. And it is a personal preference to run these days. A decision that might not only affect ourselves but our loved ones and the society. Let's see what are the risks involved if we decide to run and what happens if we stop running. Running in a group I believe this one is out of question and is the most stupid action anyone can take right now. Please don't tell me about the social distance and hygiene. Anyone who has ever run in a group knows that it is not possible to keep your distance from the others. If you run in cities it is quite tricky to avoid the others.And if you are trail runner as I am, just thinking about passing another runner on a single track or approaching through them. And let's not forget sp...